Sunday, April 19, 2015

Entry #2

Hello! This is blog entry #2 on my genetic research/ ancestry project. Nothing much has come up on details on my project lately but this is what I got so far. Very little but somewhat beneficial.

I have looked in the details of my family and how far back my family has been in Texas. From what records and family stories have told me, our family reaches back 17 generations. Doing the math, my family arrived in Texas around the late 15 hundreds to the early 16 hundreds. My family has been in the San Antonio area this whole time. There is only one tribe who has migrated to that area the same time my family has. The Lipan Apache tribe.

The Lipan Apache tribe is a tribe from the Apaches. The apaches are divided in different tribes such as the Lipans and other apache tribes across the US. The Lipans are from Mexico but migrated to Texas in the 16th century. Just like when my family migrated to Texas.

That is all I've got for my project for now but there is still much more to be found. Until next time! Keep it fruity, not tart!

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