Sunday, May 3, 2015

Entry #4

Hello! This is my 4th and final entry on my genetic research and ancestry project. A lot has been accomplished! The results are finally in! And the results are...

I am predominately Native American! The rest of my genetic make up is all spread out across the world! I am a mix of African, South European, Russian, Swedish, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Filipino and other countries. It's funny how I have very little Spanish and was thought to be Hispanic.

And that is all there is to the project! It has been an amazing journey! And hopefully, until next time! Stay fruity, not tart!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Entry #3

Hello! This my third entry to my genetic research and ancestry project. A little has happened in a week I may say. I'll state what I have recently found and learned.

I have checked up my genetic sample to see if it has reached the lab yet and it has finally made it there! On 4/23 my genetic sample made it to the 23andme lab in North Carolina. Sides from learning it has reached the lab, much has not really changed. No new information on my Native American ancestry.

This entry was entered a bit late because I have had internet problems this whole weekend due to a pretty strong storm cell paralyzing my internet until late today, Sunday. And that is all I got for this entry. Until next time! Stay fruity, not tart!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Entry #2

Hello! This is blog entry #2 on my genetic research/ ancestry project. Nothing much has come up on details on my project lately but this is what I got so far. Very little but somewhat beneficial.

I have looked in the details of my family and how far back my family has been in Texas. From what records and family stories have told me, our family reaches back 17 generations. Doing the math, my family arrived in Texas around the late 15 hundreds to the early 16 hundreds. My family has been in the San Antonio area this whole time. There is only one tribe who has migrated to that area the same time my family has. The Lipan Apache tribe.

The Lipan Apache tribe is a tribe from the Apaches. The apaches are divided in different tribes such as the Lipans and other apache tribes across the US. The Lipans are from Mexico but migrated to Texas in the 16th century. Just like when my family migrated to Texas.

That is all I've got for my project for now but there is still much more to be found. Until next time! Keep it fruity, not tart!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Entry #1

Hey guys! This is may first entry on my genetic research/ ancestry project. So I went onto the website to order a lot to send my DNA sample (saliva). And the kit came in yesterday!

Today I got to see the package because I had it shipped at a different address than mine. In side the box is a tube where spit in and you send it back to the company to do the DNA analysis. You are supposed to not eat or drink anything for 30 mins prior to spitting in the capsule.

I am shipping the DNA sample tomorrow to North  Carolina where the 23andme lab is stationed at. The results take up to 4-6 weeks to finalize. But some people have has their results given in early as 2 weeks. I'll keep ya'll updated on the results and project soon. That's all I've got for now. Until the next time! Keep it fruity, not tart!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Introduction to Genius Hour!

Driving Question: Where do I come from?

Hello! My name is Marco. For the next few weeks I will be doing Genius Hour. My topic is over where am I from. Who are my ancestors? My family comes from generations of Native Americans but we don't know where we are from. An Indian trying to find his lost tribe I guess. I can't wait to get further in this project!
For the man said nothing but gaze upon the beauty of the Earth. Mystified by her perfection, astonished by her grace... - Marco